Friday, February 15, 2013

Spaghetti Squash and Meatballs

Since paleo the one thing my mind misses is pasta. My body, specifically my digestive tract, definitely doesn't miss it, but I sometimes find myself thinking I want pasta. The paleo alternative is spaghetti squash and I've been trying to find the perfect  recipe for a couple years, and I think I've finally got it down. Although this is nothing like pasta, it is still delicious and a much healthier option.
Random Thoughts
1. I always try to blog from my computer and phone simultaneously. This time, it erased everything I had and didn't post the recipe and original random thoughts. Stupid.
2. James got grass fed animal fat from Whole Foods for free-ninety-nine. Today, I will attempt to render it.
2. I need to work on squat cleans.
3. Thursday I front squatted 90 pounds. I have no idea if that is good or not, but seeing as its approximately 78% of my body weight, I'll take it.
4. James got me flowers, wine, cooked dinner, and made delicious frozen chocolate covered bananas stuffed with almond butter and bacon for Valentine's Day. #besthusbandever.
5. I got to spend 10 1/2 straight hours with students yesterday. My only two breaks were to use the restroom. I hope that never happens again.
6. Things are progressing for us to move to Austin.
Spaghetti Squash
1. Cut in half (so much easier with the cleaver Will and Brit got us from Hong Kong!)
2. Remove seeds
3. Place on a shallow dish to bake
4. Fill with an inch or so of water
5. Bake for approximately 40 minutes at 400 degrees (take our when it is kinda squishy, like an over ripe avocado).
1-2 pounds of lean beef
1 egg
1/2ish cup coconut flour
1/4ish cup almond flour
garlic powder
onion powder
1. Place all ingredients in a large bowl (whisk egg in separate bowl first)
2. Form into meatballs
3. Lately I have been making them on the stove top. Place saved bacon grease (or other fat of choice) in pan and cook meatballs until finished.
Spaghetti Sauce
6-8 roma tomatoes
1 jalapeno
1/4 cup diced carrots
1/2 cup diced onion
4 garlic cloves
squeeze honey
squeeze of half a lemon
parsley flakes
red pepper flakes
coconut flour (to thicken)
1. Place all of the items(except the parsley, red pepper, and coconut flour) in the Vitamix or blender and blend for 10-15 seconds.
2. Heat in sauce pan on low for 45 minutes
3. Sprinkle in parsley, red pepper, and coconut flour (approx 2 tbs)

Yup, this awesome face made it on the Crossfit Strom website. I look extremely awkward, andI need to lift my elbows, but whatevs, it was hard. 


  1. Look at all this talent... cooking, writing, and lifting! You're like a super hero!

  2. Thanks, Andy! It all started because I was bored and needed a hobby. Now I'm an eating, writing, Crossfit junkie.
