Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Buffalo Chicken Nuggets and Purple Potatoes

I haven't blogged as much recently, most likely do to my overwhelming exhaustion. I'm still working to find the perfect work/life balance while incorporating Crossfit and cooking paleo. Some days is easier than others, but right now I'm just tired. Here are my random thoughts for the day, enjoy!

1. I love Trader Joe's coffee. It's so much cheaper per cup, yet its just as yummy as Dunkin'. 
2. Yesterday was Fat Tuesday and I did nothing 'fat'. 
3. Fat Tuesday 2014 I'm going to make gumbo so that I am more festive.
4. I want to be Anthony Bourdain, however, I don't think I am adventurous enough in my eating habits to be him.
5. When is "Up All Night" coming back on?
6. I slept through "Walking Dead" on Sunday night. Oops.
7. I need to buy long socks so I can attempt the rope climb.
8. My gym teacher used to call me French Fry and I hated it.
9. I want a house with a back yard and a garage. 
10. Why? So that I can plant my own purple potatoes and have my own garage gym.
11. The waiting list to get into KIPP Houston is 8,000. I find it exciting, but it makes me very sad. I wish the public schools could rise up and improve education for every student...
12. I can't wait for Brit's b-day party on Saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!!
13. "Thrift Shop" is my new fav song. If I were still an Eriesistable, we would def be dancing to it for half-time.
14. I want to participate in a Color Run. James thinks it's unhealthy to inhale neon powder while running. I disagree.
15. I miss Los Tres. I hear they have Spanish karaoke now. I bet that's amazing. 
16. I want a box of Conversation Hearts, stat. I know they're not paleo, and I know they taste like chalk. I guess I like chalk. 
17. I just reread Random thoughts 1-16. Yes, my mind really does go in a million different directions. 
18. Kyle just bought a new house. Maybe I can fly into Ohio in April and check it out. I bet he has a backyard, but I doubt he'll plant purple potatoes. He would say they're stupid. I bet he plants baby corn instead.
19. If I could be anywhere in the world right now, I would be at Aoyama with my bff's drinking a Flirtini.
20. I want hair like Cassadee Pope. Well, maybe not that dark, but I like her weird blond highlights. 
21. I can't end on an even, composite number, so here's one more: I love Texas because there is no snow and it doesn't get bitter cold. My body enjoys seeing the sun 12 months out of the year, instead of 3. 

Purple Potatoes
Cut to desired size (we quartered ours)
Coat with coconut oil
Sprinkle with salt and rosemary
Bake for 25ish minutes on 400 degrees (I made that number up, but it should work)

*Click on the link for directions. Note: I did not add the flax seed because I didn't have any and wasn't sure if it was paleo. I also went a little heavy on the hot sauce and I'm sure I added a little more seasoning than directed. 

These were so yummy, and so easy. James thought they were a little dry, so I will coat them a little less next time. 

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