Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Tahini and Sundried Tomato Stuffed Chicken Wrapped in Bacon

Winter break is finally over! I cannot believe it, but I am actually thrilled to be back into a routine. I thrive on structure and really fail without it. I seriously think I spent 36-48 straight hours in the apartment. My couch and I did some serious bonding, and I felt terrible by the end of each day. 

The mister and I found this recipe at and it turned out to be a.m.a.z.i.n.g.! I highly recommend it to anyone and everyone. 

Oh, we just got a Trader Joe's close to our place! That's super exciting because we can make even more delicious recipes with reasonably priced ingredients. 

I have so much more to say, but I need to get some schoolwork done. Crap. Maybe I shouldn't have been so excited about the end of my vaca. 

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