Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Steak with Avacado Sauce

Tonight on the menu is steak with a creamy sauce and spaghetti squash. The original recipe came from my inspiration PaleOMG. http://paleomg.com/creamy-avocado-spinach-chicken-pasta/. I'm honestly not sure of the legality of borrowing a recipe, but I'm not going to worry about that until I go viral. Or famous. Or appear on Ellen. Until then, I will post the original version, and then the modifications I made.

The original recipe called for chicken, but now that I live in Texas I have found there is a much larger beef selection. James and I did our weekly shopping and I am thrilled to share the savings. I would consider myself an extreme-couponer in training.

Total spent: $100.06
Savings: $68.52
Gas Perks: $1.20 off/gallon

Ok, back to the steak. A huge chunk of steak was on sale, so we decided to modify the recipe from chicken to steak. A few weeks ago we ate dinner with Will and Brit and they served steak with pureed avocado and lime. Apparently, they had this in Chile', and well,  it was freakin' delish. Because of this we decided steak would work great with this recipe. Organic squash was also on sale, so we stocked up on spaghetti, acorn, and butternut squash. I really, seriously love fall. I miss Pennsylvania during this time of year, but a quick peak at weather.com and I'm reminded how happy I am to live in Texas.

Avocado Sauce (this comes straight from the previous link)
2 squishy avocados
1 handful of fresh basil
garlic powder

1) Puree in the Vitamix (Teresa, we absolutely love our Vitamix!!!)

3 garlic cloves
bag-or-so fresh spinach

1) Mince garlic, sauteed in olive oil (or coconut oil)
2) Cook on high heat 4-5 minutes per side
3) Let meat sit
4) Wilt spinach

Spaghetti Squash
If I had to guess, I would say it's 5 pounds. Ish.

1)Ok, this needs to happen before anything. Clearly, I'm new to this.
2) Cut in half and take out seeds and gross stuff
3) Bake at 400 degrees until done (the outside should be soft)

Combine everything together and enjoy.

 I'm not going to lie...I still added hot sauce.

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