Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Paleo Lasagna

Today was a crap day. I really love my job, and I generally love teaching middle schoolers. Today however, not so much. It wasn't that I didn't want to work today, I just didn't want to correct inappropriate behaviors all. day. long. Thank goodness today is Wine Wednesday.

This recipe is modified from someone else, but I really don't remember the source. I suppose if I googled it I would find it, but for now I'm just going to say it belonged to 'someone else' originally. Although this tastes nothing like pasta, it is still delicious. I will continue to salivate while watching commercials about the Olive Garden, but I will do so without feeling bloated and disgusting.

2lbs Lean burger or turkey
4 Zucchini
2ish Heads of broccoli
3 Handfuls of fresh spinach
1 Bag of mozzarella/italianish cheese (This is My Paleo...not necessary Paleo)
1 Jar of organic spaghetti sauce (We try to stick with sauce that has few ingredients and zero high fructose corn syrup)
3 Garlic cloves
1/2 Onion
Garlic powder
Onion powder

1) Mince garlic and sautee in a drizzle of olive oil/coconut oil
2)Mince onion and add to garlic
3) Season beef with all of the above seasonings and put in the frying pan with the oil/garlic/onion combo
4)Steam your broccoli in a separate pot
4)While the meat is cooking, slice your zucchini. I usually cut mind around 1/6 inch thick, but you can decide how you like yours
5)Layer your lasagna as follows: meat, broccoli, fresh spinach, cheese, zucchini, sauce, meat, broccoli...
6)Top with a sprinkle of cheese (Don't judge. I love cheese, and I need calcium. I'm fighting osteoporosis early).
7)Bake 40-45 minutes on 425 degrees.

The finished product looks much better, but I didn't feel like waiting. Maybe I will be inspired to add another photo later.
I surprisingly do not add hot sauce to this...just crushed red pepper. And lots of it.

I was inspired. Please note that James does not agree with the amount of cheese I use, but he doesn't have frail bones to worry about like I do. I'm being proactive. 

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