Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Cumin Chicken and Kale



1. A hardy cabbage of a variety that produces erect stems with large leaves and no compact head.
2. Money.

kail - cole - cabbage

Haha. I like definition #2 the best. (See Random Thought #5)

Wow, I really, really wanted to write Cale instead of Kale so that my title could have all started with all c's. I guess I'll have to settle with an alliteration. I haven't blogged in a while because I didn't have anything stellar to share in terms of new recipes. My last post about the pumpkin bites was probably my favorite recipe of all time. If you haven't tried them yet, you should. They're stupid good.

Random Thoughts:
1. I am freakishly excited for this weekend. I'll be spending the weekend at the beach with the McMillan family. Bring on the margaritas and cheese soup!
2. My favorite thing to do on a Saturday off is wake up early so that I can nap on the couch. I feel guilty staying in bed past 7 am, but my guilt disappears when I'm napping on the couch.
3. My new crossfit unicorn is a muscle up. I have high hopes that I will get one sooner than later, but I'm very aware of how difficult they are. Right now I just need to work on getting ring dips without viscously bruising my left arm. It seriously looks like I was in a violent car accident the day after each ring dip WOD.
4. James and I had so much fun spending Easter with Brit's family. Her mother is insanely adorable and hid Easter eggs for us and her dad made a delicious meal with the best lamb I've ever eaten. One time I tried to make lamb, but it was offensively disgusting.
5. You know it's a long day when you laugh at things that aren't even remotely funny. This week is the beginning of STAAR testing and I am beyond exhausted. For some reason doing nothing all day makes me sleepy.

Cumin Chicken and Kale Recipe

Awesome website Ashley shared with me

I let the kale cook down a little more before we ate it. Don't be shy with the really makes the dish. 

I have to share this pic because I love it. The deceiving part is that it wasn't hard at all, it just looks like it is. 

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