Thursday, April 11, 2013

Recipe Wish List


Feel or express a strong desire or hope for something that is not easily attainable; want something that cannot or probably will not happen.
A desire or hope for something to happen.
verb.  want - desire - will - like - choose
noun.  desire - will - want - request - longing - aspiration

Wow, I haven't blogged in a while. There are several things I want to share, but not many any new recipes. Our schedule for the next two months is packed with awesome adventures, but that leaves little time to try new things. So. Instead of giving you a new recipe, I've decided to give you a list of things I wish I could try. I'm sure I won't get a chance to make them any time soon, so I will express my strong desire and hope for these not easily attainable recipes in the form of a Recipe Wish List.

Before I reveal the Recipe Wish List, I want to tell you about some of our random adventures.

April 5th - 7th 
The McMillan family spent the weekend together at a beach house in Galveston. My only complaint about the entire weekend was that it was too short. And that the Iron Man competition backed up traffic on the way to James' not-birthday lunch. And the fact that I ate Digiorno pizza for the first time in 2013 (I know...It was a moment of weakness...but the weakness did not stay in my body for long. Too much info? Probably. My bad.).

On Saturday morning Will, James, and I joined approximately 25 other crazy people in a WOD at Crossfit Galveston. We had a terribly great time and were able to finish the group WOD in 30ish minutes. My favorite part of  the WOD was flipping my first tire and my least favorite part was running to the sea wall with sand on my back. Believe it or not, the large breeze from the ocean was not making me feel better, it was making the run that much more difficult. Damn you ocean breeze.

This face is priceless. Pure desperation. 

April 10th 
Not even close to an adventure, but I hit a new PR with my mile run. Pre-Crossfit my fastest mile was just over 8 minutes. On April 10th I was able to run a 7:30 minute mile. I know I'm not fast, but I'm  pumped about taking greater than, or equal to, 30 seconds off my mile.

April 19th - 22nd
James and I are going to Pennsylvania for the first time in a year. I'm hoping that my mom has my snowsuit in storage somewhere, because I'm going to freeze.

April 26th - 28th
My favorite brother is coming to Austin!!!! (I can write this because I'm sure Chad doesn't read my blog.)

April 29th 

May 3rd - 5th
We are going to Mandeville, LA for the Baker wedding. The only thing I want to take away from this experience is a shrimp or crawfish po'boy. We can do anything else, but I will eat one of those disgustingly delicious sandwiches.

Recipe Wish List

Pizza Margherita

Peppermint Patties

Vanilla Almond Butter

Biscuits and Gravy: I have already made the biscuits and they turned out amazing.

Turkey Sliders with Spicy Slaw

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