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The past few weeks have been absolutely amazing and absolutely insane. James and I have traveled to Galveston, Cleveland, Findlay, Waterford, Austin, and Mandeville .My wardrobe has made its way from the washer to the dryer to the suitcase over and over again. When I complain about my social life lacking adventure, I will remind myself of the month of April. I am thankful for the time that we got to spend with our family and friends, but I would be lying if I didn't say I was excited to spend a weekend at home on my beautiful couch. I cannot wait to wake up early tomorrow morning and start napping in the living room. Guilt is a funny thing, and guilt is what I feel when I spend all morning in bed. For some reason I feel zero guilt while napping the day away on the couch. The living room is my napping oasis.
Teresa, Stokes, Will, Brit, James and I went out for dinner for my birthday and I was overwhelmed with the awesomeness of our experience. Because of the Internet and Yelp, I have become a restaurant seeking freak. James calls it obsessive, I call it thorough. While browsing Alison Cook's Top 100 Houston Restaurants I stumbled upon the gem, Corner Table. Now, the Corner Table was not on her list, but somehow I stumbled upon a blog that talked about paleo menus in Houston. I'm not going to lie, I was very skeptical of a paleo menu and was nervous about trying a restaurant that I heard wasn't too great from people at Strom. I decided to throw caution to the wind, and thank God I did. The experience was amazing and the food was divine.
Disclaimer: the food was not completely paleo, but it was pretty close. There was soy cheese and green beans, but who really cares. Also, the chef is a magician and managed to make coconut flour tortillas. After several personal failed attempts I was pissed to find someone who can actually make them, but whatevs. Maybe he cheated and added wheat. Maybe he added butter. It can't be that he is a better cook than me. Pssht. He definitely is a liar and a cheater and a creator of amazing paleo food. I highly recommend the Corner Table, but only if you have time for a glass of wine at the trendy wine bar next door.
Paleo Fried pickles and a very non-paleo-yet-delish cheese dip.
Chicken enchiladas with cheater tortillas and soy cheese. Note: I don't know that he cheated on the tortillas, but I am still going to make false accusations.
Truly amazing turkey bolognese with spaghetti squash.
Super stellar paleo fried chicken.
Ali's Self Pity Party
If you don't want to hear about my self-thrown pity party, I would stop reading now.
I started crossfit at the end January and have become completely addicted. I'm obsessed and totally love it. Each day I look forward to 5:30 because it means I'm at the box doing my favorite thing. I didn't think I would ever find anything that I love as much as dance, but it happened. That's a very, very bold statement, but I totally mean it. I think about it all day and dream about it at night (in my dreams I can do a muscle up...I'm obviously way cooler in my dreams than I am in real life). If it were up to me I would workout twice a day everyday.
Here comes the party.
Unfortunately, my brain is currently stronger than my lower back. Last week I did that weird twisty-cracky thing right before a WOD with heavy cleans, handstand push ups, and chin ups. Right away my fingers went numb and tingly and never really went away. Then, on Friday I did a WOD with clean and jerk, front squat, deadlifts and burpees. I didn't do as much weight as I normally would because something didn't feel quite "right". On Monday I ignored the discomfort I felt in my lower back while jogging and completed a WOD with deadlifts (140 lbs) sit-ups and burpees. As soon as I called time I knew I was screwed. My back was killing me and it was impossible to stand on my left leg without shooting pain. I was nervous so I stretched and rolled out for a while.
Since Monday I have been skipping workouts and staying away from the box. I feel sorry for my husband because I have not been the happiest person this week. In fact, I've spiraled into a deep, dark depression. I want nothing more than to kick my own ass at the gym, but unfortunately, it's not going to happen any time soon. If anyone has any suggestions, please share them. I'm open for anything that could help and I'm sure James will be very appreciative of anyone that can help me out of this deep, dark depression. Last night I made him take a tub of funfetti frosting away from me. Yes, its that bad.